What`s the Definition of Safe and Sound

She blushed and felt intoxicated by the sound of her own voice and the unusual taste of openness. This expression means “unharmed, free from injury” and was first recorded in Middle English in the early 14th century AD. It dates back to a time when the secondary definition of sound – “whole, undamaged or injured” – was used more frequently. (It is this definition that gives us the expression of a healthy body and mind that is still used today.) With this older meaning in mind, the sentence is actually very simple. In ancient or modern times, it was always a good thing to return to your loved ones, with all parts of your body still attached and functional. Out of danger and unharmed, as in It was a difficult climb, so I am relieved that they returned safely. [c. 1300] From Middle English Laut, sund, isund, Èesund, Old English sund, Ä¡esund (âsain, sure, whole, unharmed, healthy, prosperous), from Proto-Germanic *gasundaz, *sundaz (agesundâ), from proto-Indo-European *sunt-, *swent- (âvigorous, active, healthy). Related to the Scottish sound, soun (âgesund, Klangâ), Sater Frison suund, gesuund (âgesundâ), West Frisian sã»n (âgesundâ), Dutch gezond (âgesund, gesundâ), Low German sund, gesund (âgesundâ), German gesund (âgesund, gesundâ), Danish sund (âgesundâ), Swedish sund (âlaut, gesundâ), Irish fã©taid (â könnenâ). Also related to Dutch gezwind (“fast, quick”), German geschwind (“fast, quick”), Old English swÄ«4 (âstrong, powerful, powerful, active, heavy, violentâ). See swith. Do you have a smart way to remember this rule? Any advice to avoid a mistake in “Safe and healthy”? Share it with us! The sound is still used in the sense conveyed in this passage, but it is largely limited to this sentence.

However, this definition remains on MW: the bells rang and rang in all directions, and the air was filled with the sound of distant cries and cries. You can use “safe and sound” to describe anything from a physical safety situation to a task that has been successfully completed. It should be remembered that the pitch depends on the speed of sound waves or vibrations. If you look in the dictionary, you will find two definitions for the word “sound”: As in “sound in body and mind”, which is used in a legal context to be mentally and physically healthy. The term safe and healthy was coined before the 14th century. It was used in the nineteenth century and before Shakespeare. It is in the story of the prodigal son taught by Jesus in the Bible. Read Luke 15:27. The meaning of “safe and healthy,” as you can probably guess, draws the listener`s attention to two aspects of the object in question: its safety and its solidity. That is, if a person has returned home safe and sound, we can interpret them as unharmed (no physical damage was caused on the way home) and healthy (that they are in a “healthy” state of mind). “Gronkowski” himself never manages to sound more erotic than the name of a hearty Polish stew or WWE actor on the D list. But the context of the sentence can often be metaphorical in addition to literal.

Thus, when an English speaker uses the expression “safe and sound”, what might a non-native speaker conclude by referring to it? As with many idioms and expressions, the phrase “safe and healthy” has a certain tired or banal quality. On the other side of the coin, the expression is clichéd because of its foundation. It`s a reliable phrase that conveys meaning without the need for further explanation, so don`t feel confident using it. Don`t worry: you can still clearly use the archaic form of sound and be understood. You can use “safe and sound” to describe anything from a physical safety situation to a task that has been successfully completed. For example, if you choose the context you have chosen: “Did the document I sent reach you safely?”, you are obviously not referring to a state of physical well-being (unless you sent the document by carrier pigeon), but to the fact that the document is in your colleague`s inbox, complete, readable and ready, to modify. Gasoline remains unchanged. Advice and definition of English vocabulary with Gymglish.

Improve your English and try our online English courses for free. Again, the difference may seem subtle and look more like split hair, but the difference is significant. So “sound” really means “whole”, it`s just not so well used. And word phrases will probably remain in use forever as soon as they become idiomatic. You can see some here that clearly have very little relevance today, but are still widely understood today. Sol laughed at his whiskers, with a loud rolling noise, and sat on the porch without waiting to be asked. As an example of good science and good social policy, the fluoride story might be more of a cautionary tale. Its (2): “free from injury, damage, defects, illness, etc.; in good condition; healthy; The following ngram also shows that usage really exploded in the eighteenth century (if you`re interested in prevalence): As this list shows, penalties usually range up to a short prison sentence and/or a moderately high fine. If you want to go deeper, this Wiktionary article describes the transition process much more: it`s not just alliterative, it`s one of the most common associations of words with Old English roots with similar words with Old French roots, part of the polyglot that followed the Norman invasion. New and new, break and enter (although the words don`t have exactly the same meaning), piece and packaging. This is also common in the law, as a “legal duplicate”.
